kvigor wrote:
Need to remove all spaces from Array Values... And this doesn't work.
Are we talking spaces ' ' or all white space?  This may include a tab, space, 
new line, etc...

This is similar info that's within array values: $someArray[0] = "PHP is awesome"; s/b PHPisawesome This is similar info that's within array values: $someArray[1] = "The Toy Boat"; s/b TheToyBoat

Begin Code===================================
$num = count($someArray);

for($num = 0; $cntr < $num; $cntr++)
 str_replace(' ','',$someArray[$num]);
 echo "$someArray[$num]<br />";
End Code===================================

This should do for you


$someArray = array();

$someArray[] = "somethig specia    to take apart";
$someArray[] = "somethig
specia  to take apart";
$someArray[] = "somethig specia    to
take apart


foreach ( $someArray AS $k => $v ) {

        $someArray[$k] = preg_replace('!\s!', '', $v);  // Removes white space 
' ', \n, \r\n, etc...

        $someArray[$k] = str_replace(' ', '', $v);      // Removes only spaces



Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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