I am writing code to store a bunch of email files, in MIME format, into a 
database.  The body of some of these emails, but not all, are in HTML format.  
If I use addslashes (after checking get_magic_quotes_gpc()), the database 
record won't get saved.  There's no error message, just no record saved.  But 
if I use htmlentities(), it saves the record no problem.

I would have thought that addslashes would have been enough to format the data 
correctly.  Why would I need to use htmlentities?  And will using htmlentities 
cause me any problems?

here's the code in question:

                        $from = $this->SentFrom();
                        $to = $this->To();
                        $cc = $this->Cc();
                        $subject = $this->Subject();
                        $body = htmlentities($this->Body());   // this works
                        //$body = $this->Body();

                        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0)
                                echo "<br>adding slashes...";
                                $body = addslashes($body);   // this runs but 
doesn't work

                        $sql = "insert emails(projectid, mailfrom, mailto, 
mailcc, subject, body) values(1, '$from', '$to', '$cc', '$subject', \"$body\")";
                        echo "<br>sql:<pre><code>$sql</code></pre>";
                        $link = mssql_connect($server, $user, $pwd)
                                                        or die('Could not 
connect: ' . mysql_error());                                                  
                        mssql_select_db('EmailDB') or die('Could not select 
                                $result = @mssql_query($sql);
                        catch (Exception $e)
                            echo "<br>Error: " . $e->getMessage;




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