No, that won't work

Either use != 'AA'


for( $i = ord('A'); $i <= ord('Z'); $i++)
  echo chr( $i ) . ' ';

Jason skrev:
Because you need $i<= 'Z' to get Z included as well.


At 08:49 09/07/2007, Xell Zhang wrote:
Hello all,
I met a very strange problem today. Take a look at the codes below:
for ($i = 'A'; $i < 'Z'; $i++) {
echo $i . ' ';

If you think the output is A-Z, please run it on your server and try.
Who can tell me why the result is not A-Z?

Zhang Xiao

Junior engineer, Web development

Ethos Tech.


"Why do you need to think? Can't we just sit and go budumbudumbudum with our lips for a bit?"
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