> Allow bunnies ...
> Any takers on this ... I JUST want the duration of the mp3 
> file - with a
> small function if possible ... I honestly don't want to use a 
> class like
> http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/112.html
> The coding is terrible and SERIOUSLY over inflated for what I want.
> Anyone know of a simple class / function ?
> S

Apparently, you can read the header of the file to find the bitrate, then
calculate the approximate play duration from that info and the filesize.
Here is information on the mp3 file format:


...and here is a discussion thread that provides the calculation and other


I've never done this, and apparently there is an issue with MP3s that have
variable bitrates, but maybe this will get you started in the right

HTH - JM <-- not anything like a bunny ;-)

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