On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 12:07 -0400, Nathan Nobbe wrote:
> > I also don't really get the idea of interface and abstract classes ? They
> > don't seem to be any practical use ? Maybe that's me ? Anyway, not really
> > relevant to this post ...
> there is a lot of usefulness in these constructs; look into design patterns.
> also, there are code libraries already written w/ the abstraction you are
> trying to develop.
> im not discouraging you from developing your own, but it may be helpful for
> you to study some of the other code.
> check out
> http://pear.php.net/package/MDB2
> http://ez.no/doc/components/view/2007.1/(file)/classtrees_Database.html
> http://www.onphp.org/doxy/trunk/
> -nathan
> ps.
> i believe interjinn provides a db layer as well :>

It does :) It was especially important in PHP4 since there was no PDO as
there is now in PHP5. Not that I'm particularly familiar with PDO (maybe
it has deficiencies?).

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