On 7/12/07, Daniel Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/12/07, Colin Guthrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thijs Lensselink wrote:
> >> <?
> >> $evil[] = "6";
> >> $evil[] = "6";
> >> $evil[] = "6";
> >> for($i=0;$i<count($evil);$i++) {
> >>     $_ = sqrt($evil);
> >> }
> >> ?>

   It was supposed to be "money is the root of all evil," but the
code above wouldn't work correctly anyway, as each time through the
for() loop it'll try to get the square root of the array.

> Thank _God_ it's Friday??? Covering all bases are we? ;)

   No, I said, "thank God it's ALMOST Friday."  Nothing to do with
the puzzle, I'm just exhausted this week for some reason.

Daniel P. Brown

You can probably remember the good old time of being a child and
having holiday ;)

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