On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 10:10:15AM +0200, David Négrier wrote:
>  Xaja is still in an early stage of development, but it is time for us to get 
>  some feedback (or some help, since it is released in GPL). You can download 
>  an alpha version of Xaja from http://www.thecodingmachine.com/projects/xaja
>  You can view a screencast presenting Xaja at : 
>  http://www.thecodingmachine.com/cmsDoc/xaja/trunk/screencast.html?group_id=29
>  Thanks in advance to anyone sending me comments or problems regarding Xaja.


I will test your framework but the checkout for the svn repo don't
accept the username and password documented in the website. :-(


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