apache is definitely listed in the trusted users, as I mentioned, I can send
from dozens of other domains, its just one specific domain that I can't.
i'll let you know the results of sending the email from outside of php.

On 7/12/07, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Thu, July 12, 2007 6:33 pm, Tanner Postert wrote:
>> I am currently running
>> PHP 5.1.4
>> Fedora Core 5
>> i'm trying to exectute the following test script.
>> <?php
>> $to      = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>> $subject = 'the subject';
>> $message = 'body';
>> $headers = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]' . "\r\n" .
>>     'Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]' . "\r\n" .
>>     'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
>> mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
>> ?>
> You really ought to be getting the return value from mail() and
> checking it for success...
> Error-checking is good. :-)
>> i have about 10 or so different virtual hosts running on this machine,
>> and
>> if i use any of them for the from & reply-to addresses, it works fine,
>> or
>> even if i use domains I don't control like aol.com or example.com
>> those work
>> too, but one particular new virtual host doesn't work, it re-writes
>> the from
>> address to the default virtual host address. which is strange because
>> that
>> isn't in the php.ini anywhere, but it could just be taking the
>> hostname.
>> anyone have any ideas?
> As I understand it:
> If the PHP (read: Apache) User is not "trusted" in sendmail config,
> then sendmail won't let that user forge the return headers, and the
> return comes from the default set in sendmail configuration.

Which is mentioned in the documentation:



Sendmail and exim definitely have this sort of problem, I don't think
postfix or qmail do though.

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