Stut wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> On 16/07/07, Austin C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Dont be so harsh. I used to torrent PHP books, and everyone I
>>> turrented, I
>>> ended up buying from a book store so I could take it with me. So,
>>> that kind
>>> of stuff actually helped me. But, ive stopped torrenting now.
>> I guess that I'm naive. I've gotten a few "what's the address"
>> requests, but none from authors... So I'll just delete the address and
>> not pass it on. Like said earlier in the thread, it can be easily
>> googled.
>> As everybody (including M$, excluding RIAA) seems to support the
>> pirates with "they won't buy it anyways" I guess that I really am a
>> sucker for being the one who pays for the books. I'm paying for
>> everybody, no? So, suckers, I'm with you now, and I'll start pirating
>> again. Anyone know where I can pick up a copy of Ubuntu pirated? I
>> still refuse to use Windows, even for free...
> Pirated Ubuntu? I hope that was supposed to be funny.

IIRC Ubuntu ships with proprietary drivers etc. so technically any
channel that is not officially sanctioned under the license terms of
said drivers would technically result in a pirated copy.

Also Dotan, it's sad that you've taken that approach. I would have hoped
that you would adhere to the spirit of what I was trying to say which
is, "do the right thing". OK, I'm perhaps cynical about the benefits of
reporting pirate sites etc. as I do not think that removing the means is
the solution, but that is not to say that I do not agree with your
original sentiment.


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