Daniel Brown wrote:
On 7/16/07, Larry Garfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am not going to defend copyright infringement, but theft is depriving
someone of something they used to have and no longer have.  If someone
pirates a copy of your book that would have purchased it otherwise, then they
have not taken anything away from you that you had.

   Actually, "theft" is the act of unlawful taking by deceptive practices.

By that definition, if I walk into a shop, grab a TV off the shelf and walk out again I am not committing a theft - there is no deception. The definition of theft is not important because copyright theft is not an accurate term for what's being discussed, it's actually copyright infringement.

However, this discussion is not particularly interesting and certainly not relevant to this mailing list so it would be great if we could drop it or move it off-list if people really really want to continue with it.



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