tedd wrote:
At 11:18 AM -0600 7/17/07, John Meyer wrote:
tedd wrote:
I've written software all my life and I have on numerous occasions run into individuals who ask something like "Can you get me a copy? It's not worth it for me to pay for it because <you add in whatever reason you want>. I would just like to get a copy."

And you think that if somehow, somebody was able to magically lock down all copies, all of those people would pony up the money and pay you or buy that software? It's the assumption that the music and movie industry make that if only they could lock down all those places the money would come flowing in.

Nope, I'm just saying that if you want my work, pay for it. If you get my work without paying, then you're stealing.

You know, this is a pretty simple and obvious concept. I can imagine anyone arguing about it.

Batter up... The issue is not about what is going on and the fact that it's illegal and morally questionable - I think most people would agree to that if only to the point that they accept that breaking the law is morally questionable even if you don't agree with the laws. What you lot seem to insist on arguing about is the terminology being used.

There is no such thing as copyright theft. There is such a thing as copyright infringement. Unfortunately organisations such as the MPAA and the RIAA have decided (in their infinite wisdom) to call it stealing. This is almost certainly because it makes it clearer to the lowest common denominator (no offense meant to anyone who might take it that way).

IANAL but I'm fairly certain that there is no "official" legal definition for copyright theft. The correct phrase for the act of pirating something protected by copyright is infringement.

Stealing is wrong m'kay!
Piracy is evil m'kay!
Copyright theft doesn't exist m'kay!
Copyright infringement is illegal m'kay!

Now please let's drop this discussion because it's one of those where people will never reach agreement, it'll just drag on and on and on and on and on.



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