I lied.

The URL *was* a typo.



Sorry folks!

On Sun, July 15, 2007 5:02 pm, Bruce Cowin wrote:
> Thanks Richard for pointing me in the right direction.  Yes, it is
> mssql I'm using.  And changing the mssql.textlimit and mssql.textsize
> in the php.ini file fixed my problem.
> You suggested not using all those echo statements.  What do you
> suggest I use instead?
> Thanks again!
> Regards,
> Bruce
>>>> "Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 13/07/2007 5:58 p.m. >>>
> What is the 3981st character?
> Does your database driver, whatever it is, which you've told us is not
> PDO, have any kind of limit in the buffer size of query data
> back/forth?
> What driver ARE you using?
> I see mssql in the code, so assume that's it, right?...
> Does it happen on every record at 3980?
> If you don't know, add more records with enough length to find out.
> PS
> Using all those echo statements probably a pretty bad habit to get
> into, and you probably should be using htmlentities() on each element,
> before you do the nl2br...
> If the 3981st character happens to be a '<' that would explain why you
> aren't seeing our data...  Use "View Source" in your browser if you
> don't understand the preceding sentence. :-)
> On Thu, July 12, 2007 11:37 pm, Bruce Cowin wrote:
>> I have a simple page that displays a record from the sql server
>> database.  One of the fields is a text field and keeps getting
>> truncated at 3980 characters.  I searched and saw someone had
>> reported
>> this as a PDO bug so I'm not using PDO anymore, but I'm still
>> getting
>> the truncation.  Anyone know about this or have a work around?  Here
>> is the code.  It's the body field that is a text field.  I've
>> checked
>> the field in the database and it definitely has more data than is
>> displayed.
>>              $cn = mssql_connect($myserver, $myuser, $mypwd);
>>              mssql_select_db($mydb, $cn);
>>              $result = mssql_query("select * from emails where id = 
>> $emailid",
>> $cn);
>>              $row = mssql_fetch_array($result, MSSQL_ASSOC);
>>              echo "<ul>";
>>              echo "<li><b>Id:</b> " . $row['id'] . "</li>";
>>              echo "<li><b>From:</b> " . $row['mailfrom'] . "</li>";
>>              echo "<li><b>To:</b> " . $row['mailto'] . "</li>";
>>              echo "<li><b>Cc:</b> " . $row['mailcc'] . "</li>";
>>              echo "<li><b>Subject:</b> " . $row['subject'] . "</li>";
>>              echo "<li><b>Date:</b> " . $row['sentdate'] . "</li>";
>>              echo "<li><b>Body:</b><br> " . nl2br($row['body']) . "</li>";
>>              echo "</ul>";
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Regards,
>> Bruce
>> --
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> Some people have a "gift" link here.
> Know what I want?
> I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
> http://cdbaby.com/browse/from/lynch
> Yeah, I get a buck. So?

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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