On 7/20/07, Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 19/07/07, Zoltán Németh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't want to get involved in this thread, though it was interesting
> to read...
> However, an idea just came into my mind: what if you, as the author,
> could offer a download for a price which would be the same as what you
> get after a sold paper copy? According to what you just said, it would
> be much cheaper for the download than for a paper copy, which might
> cause more or less of the downloaders of the pirated file to download it
> legally and pay this smaller price to you.
> I admit that it won't stop pirating, but it might be good for those who
> are willing to pay to you, but either can't afford the paper copy or are
> not willing to pay to the publishing company - and it might increase
> your revenues a bit too.
> greets
> Zoltán Németh

An additional benefit is that there are those who _prefer_ the
electronic version to the dead trees. At least, I do.

Dotan Cohen

Old paper can be recycled, lost energy from computers can't ;)


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