> I might have the same problem with PHP 4.0.5 (win2k). Some of the images
> from my Kodak DC-260 digital camera, are not recognized correctly by
> getimagesize for some reason..
> Example:
> <?php
>    $imagehw     =
> GetImageSize("http://maasdelta.eve-software.com/foto/kinderspelen/P0007811.J
> PG");
>    print $imagehw     . "<BR>";
>    print $imagehw[0]  . "<BR>";
>    print $imagehw[1]  . "<BR>";
>    print $imagehw[3]  . "<BR>";
> ?>
> <IMG SRC="http://maasdelta.eve-software.com/foto/kinderspelen/P0007811.JPG";>
> This image is just a normal JPG (1536x1024) taken directly from my camera.
> GetImageSize however, thinks it's dimensions are: 51088x38655 ??? This also
> happens when I access the file from a local drive.
> Anyone got a clue ?

I had a look at this problem in the plane coming back from Europe
yesterday.  There is definitely a problem in the code.  The
php_handle_jpeg() function is not hitting the right markers for some
reason.  My brain was too oxygen-deprived to see the cause, but I will try
to get to it.

As a workaround for now I suggest you use the read_exif_data() function
instead.  Compile using --enable-exif.  That will definitely get you the
right dimensions along with many other properties.


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