Sancar Saran wrote:
It was still ripping, They got 18 USD you got 2 USD.

Out of that $18, the publisher has to pay the editor, copy editor, technical reviewer, compositor, printer, etc, etc. Unless the book sells several thousand copies, the publisher normally makes a loss.

I'm not sure author of Harry Potter acceps same condition.

The Harry Potter books have sold an estimated 325 million copies. Even if the author gets only 10 cents a book, that adds up to $32.5 million. I'm sure she gets a lot more than 10 cents a book, but it's the number of books sold that makes the real difference, not the amount per book. Harry Potter also generates a lot of money through Hollywood movie rights. It's hard to imagine the same with a book about PHP. ;-)

You made everyone rich except yourself...

I don't mind others making money out of my books, as long as they have contributed to them in a positive way. Publishing books involves a lot of people. They all need to be paid. The publisher takes a gamble, paying everybody up front before a single copy is sold. Since most books make a loss, it's reasonable for the publisher to take a share of the profit of successful books. As far as an author is concerned, the deal lies in royalties. The more books you sell, the more you get. I also get a higher share of the profit if the book sells more than a specified amount.

David Powers

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