On 7/25/07, Tony Marston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Design patterns will just confuse the issue. If you come from a non-OO
background (just like me) and want to know what all this OO stuff is about
you might want to take a look at the following:

I wrote these for the simple reason that, just like you, I found too many
articles with lots of theory but no substance. Unfortunately too many of
these theories conflicted with my past experience, so I chose to ignore most
of them, and achieved far better results.

You can download my sample application from
http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/sample-application.html which provides
a working implementation which you can study at your leisure.

Tony Marston

""Nathan Nobbe"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> eric is exactly right; design patterns are key; and so is that book ;)
> -nathan
> On 7/25/07, Eric Butera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 7/25/07, Suporte - DPRJ Sistemas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hello!
>> >
>> > Is there anyone here interested in teaching (lond distance, off course)
>> OOP?
>> >
>> > I would like to learn how to use objects (I have been working all my
>> life using structured language). All the books I have tried just "talk"
>> about theory not practical issues.
>> >
>> > I intend to pay for the classes.
>> >
>> > Thank you
>> >
>> > Deleo
>> >
>> Do yourself a favor and read up on "design patterns."  I think that
>> they go hand in hand alonside learning OOP.  The reason I say this is
>> because people can talk about encapsulation and polymorphism all day
>> long, but until I see some concrete examples with real world
>> implementations it won't stick in my head.
>> I really enjoy this book: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/hfdesignpat/
>> It is for Java, but the idea behind patterns is that they are ways of
>> doing things and not syntax.  This means that you aren't really tied
>> to any given language because once you know how to build a factory you
>> just implement the best way you can given the structure of the
>> language.
>> --
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If you read the book I pasted a link to it would make perfect sense.
It goes from the beginning to the end show exactly what the decorator
is, why you would use it, and how to use it.  It isn't just saying
here is a decorator.  It uses a real world example and a real world
solution.  Even if you don't know programming the examples are so
straight forward with illustrations that if you think you get it.

Now if you just look at some quick example then sure, they are very
confusing.  It might just seem like way more code for no apparent
reason.  That is why books sell though.  The authors put lots of
energy into making the ideas make sense rather than throwing
psudo-code at you.

I've seen your posts here before and I know you are very set in your
opinions on what is "right" and "wrong."  I think you should just
consider for a minute not all people think along the same lines as you
or myself.

I also came from a procedural background where $this confused me to no
end.  Then I found the factory pattern and saw that was useful for
database things.  After that I realized I could do all sorts of neat
things using the concept of having interchangable parts.  At first I
didn't know it was called a "factory," but just saw that it was great
being able to call a method to get different drivers.  Later on after
I discovered there was a name, patterns, for these reusable ideas it
just kept getting better.

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