tedd wrote:
> At 8:53 AM -0400 7/25/07, Daniel Brown wrote:
>>    First of all, congrats to Tedd on his 9th grandchild, a boy, at
>> 8lbs. 9oz.

Congrats do Tedd and to your son and his partner!

> My son just informed me that the baby's name is Jacob William Sperling.
> I now have a grandson who's name sounds older than me. Besides my son, I
> also have someone who I can pass the domain name of Sperling.com on to
> -- if that accounts for anything.
> Kind of neat being the first digital Sperling. Have any of you thought
> about the legacy you're leaving digitally?

Well I managed to convince the Irish domain people to let me register
guthr.ie which I think is pretty cool. Means I can create an email
address that is literally just my name with an at sign and a dot thrown
in! Also means that I can setup email addresses and websites for my
family pretty easily :)

On the downside, as I use the domain quite a lot for numerous things, I
now find it quite hard to write (type) my lastname /without/ the dot in
it!! So my legacy will be to name any offspring with the dot in place on
their birth certificate to avoid any hassle :p


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