Found the problem. The piece of code was outside of a block where $db had been created, so it was a non-object the whole time... Easily fixed, but a hard error to find when I'm assuming it's my brand new class that's the problem.

 -- Rob

""Rob Adams"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I need to test a bunch of code that extensively uses a mysql database (both selects and inserts), and I want to do it without actually writing to the database.. Instead of commenting out all of the $db->query($insert_query) statements and echoing $insert_query, I thought I'd make the following object:

class TestDB {
   var $realDB;
   function TestDB(&$o)
       echo $o;
       $this->realDB = &$o;
       echo $this->realDB;
   function query($q)
       echo $q;
   function getOne($q)
       return $this->realDB->getOne($q);
   function getRow($q)
       return $this->realDB->getRow($q);
   function &resetDB()
       return $this->realDB;

Then, in my code, I instantiate it like so:

           $tmp = new TestDB($db);
           $db = &$tmp;

But this doesn't work, and I can't figure out why. When I try to call $db->getRow($q) I was getting an error that said that I couldn't call a member function of a non-object. I've changed things around now, and I'm just not getting anything. Any idea why I would get the non-object error? Thanks.

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