Colin Guthrie wrote:
Daniel Brown wrote:
    As a relatively-new contributor to this list (read: under 2
years), I realize that I have no business requesting a change, but
I'll breech etiquette and hope for the best.

    Can we update the filters on the list to have the reply-to address
header marked to the php-general address?  The reason I ask this is
because, when people are on vacation (such as Juan is now), we receive
responses to our personal addresses.  Secondly, we have to continually
"Reply All" the messages, which - though it's not a problem - can
cause issues when attempting to respond to those "[URGENT]" replies.
Third, our addresses are included in gmane, et al, which is an
inherent risk --- I understand.

    Maybe it's just the ramblings of someone attempting to read and
type on a limited-bandwidth mobile device while bored due to delays in
mass-transit facilities (here, read: I'm fucking exhausted, and yes, I
dropped the "F" bomb).  In either case, it's not conducive to a new
contributor to have to weed through "vacation response" messages each
time he/she replies to the list.

I agree here.

I am on many lists and if I'm interested in something then I expect
people to expect me to read the list for replies. But for noobs, the
personal reply is quite good.

I guess the rule should be "public list -> reply to poster",
"subscription list -> reply to list".

AFAIK Gmane etc. can be configured to obfuscate email addresses -
certainly other lists I read through Gmane are...


Well I think my only issue with it is that this is a group discussion list. We all ask for help, advice, suggestions or just bounce ideas off each other. When you hit that "Reply" button and it just goes to the person who made the post you're replying to it no long becomes a group discussion but a private one. The other issue is that during these private discussions the public version continues and if the solution is found in private the others don't know it and could actually spend time answering/helping with a problem that was fixed last Tuesday but no one knew because it was just a thread between two people.

As for your rule, I think it's flawed. All lists, private or public, require you to subscribe in some way. They don't magically pick up that they should send email to a certain address, they have to be told. If the list is meant to be a discussion list then all the replies should go to the list by default.

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