On 8/1/07, David Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Larry Garfield wrote:
> > If a plumber fixes your toilet, he gets paid once.
> A plumber came recently to fix our hot water system. It took him less
> than one hour. He got paid about $100.
> > If a writer writes a book, he gets paid n times, where n is a (hopefully for
> > him) ever-increasing number.
> I write a book (actually, I've written several). It takes me on average
> seven or eight months' full-time work. You buy a copy of my book, I get
> $1.50-$2.25. For me to get the same rate of pay as a plumber, I would
> need to sell 70,000 copies of each book. I should be so lucky.
> David Powers

Yes, and the president gets a lot more....


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