On 8/10/07, Jason Pruim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All :)
> Hope you're not getting sick of my questions as of late, but I keep
> getting closer and closer and thank you all who have helped me in the
> past! "The only reason I can see this far is I am standing on the
> shoulders of giants" don't know who said that but I like it :)
> Anyway... Onto the question...
> I think I'm just going crazy as it's been a busy week for me, but I
> can't figure out how to do this. What I am attempting to do is, I
> have a webpage(Don't we all?) that calls info to be displayed from a
> database,
> I want to be able to sort that info so my sql query looks like:
> "Select * from current order by '$order';" and $order is populated by
> a GET when they click on a link: "<A href=index.php?order='Last'>Sort
> by last name</A>"  Now... the whole PHP page is being included in
> a .shtml page to actually display it and make it look purrdee :)
> How do I get it to resort the info and include the new sort on the page?
> I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but:
> $order = $_GET['order']; <------Line 6
> [Fri Aug 10 10:42:04 2007] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:
> order in /Volumes/RAIDer/webserver/Documents/tests/legion/index.php
> on line 6
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.. And if it solves the problem
> I'll name some of my kids* after you!
> *Subject to approval of the Wife :)
> --
> Jason Pruim
> Raoset Inc.
> Technology Manager
> MQC Specialist
> 3251 132nd ave
> Holland, MI, 49424
> www.raoset.com

    Remember to clean that input before you sit down at the table, there, boy!

    It's safe to ignore the `Undefined index` notices.  That will just
appear if a variable is referenced without first being instantiated or
defined.  No biggie, just put this at the head of your code:

ini_set("error_reporting",E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107

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