On Fri, August 10, 2007 9:43 am, Jason Pruim wrote:
> I want to be able to sort that info so my sql query looks like:
> "Select * from current order by '$order';" and $order is populated by
> a GET when they click on a link: "<A href=index.php?order='Last'>Sort
> by last name</A>"  Now... the whole PHP page is being included in
> a .shtml page to actually display it and make it look purrdee :)

You probably don't want to slap the '$order' into your query for two
#1. If $order comes directly from the GET (or POST or COOKIE) data,
then it's untrusted, and should be filtered to be SURE it's not Evil.
#2. Assuming you want to order by some kind of column name, you don't
want the apostrophes on it.

> How do I get it to resort the info and include the new sort on the
> page?
> I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but:
> $order = $_GET['order']; <------Line 6
> [Fri Aug 10 10:42:04 2007] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined index:
> order in /Volumes/RAIDer/webserver/Documents/tests/legion/index.php
> on line 6

//default to lastname order:
$order = isset($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : 'lastname';

> Any help will be greatly appreciated.. And if it solves the problem
> I'll name some of my kids* after you!

I'd be happier if you spent some time reading this:

and then filtered your $order so that you KNOW it's valid:

  case 'lastname':
  case 'firstname':
  case 'age':
  case 'gender':
    //pass through valid $order
    error_log("Attempted hack of order: $order");
    die("Invalid Sort Option");

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