On Thu, August 9, 2007 8:43 am, Martin Marques wrote:
> I have a script which I run from cron. I'm testing it directly from
> the
> console:
> /usr/bin/php  -f /path/to/script.php
> The thing is:
> Script executes great, and everything it has to do gets done, but it
> throughs a segmentation fault at the end.
> Is there anyway to debug PHP CLI? I'm using php5 from debian etch:

You'll have to recompile with --enable-debug, but, yes, you can debug

Actually, it's even easier than debugging webserver SAPIs, really, as
you don't have to jump through the hoop of starting Apache with -X or
whatever to get the single instance in the foreground.

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Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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