Tom Cruickshank wrote:
     What I would like to preserve in the sense of formatting is bold,
italics, spacing, pictures (if any). That kind of thing.

I'm aware that Word isn't the best type of document to read from,
unfortunately some folks will be using that file format
to upload files.

Ideally, yes I do want to convert the doc file to an html file.

I've tried wvWare and I really like it. Unfortunately, the hosting provider
refuses to install it since you do need root
access for the installation.

catdoc, doesn't appear to preserve text format, so that would defeat the
purpose of uploading word documents.

word2x has also potential, however, I don't have root access on this system.

Appreicate the feedback. With these restrictions in mind, is there any other
solutions that you can think of?

Not really. If you're doing this for a client, i'd tell them to find a new host or drop the idea of converting user-supplied MSWord files.

Do the files really need to be converted? Aside from the fact that it's lame, you could just serve up DOC files to the browser.

No, i hate that idea. Forget it.

How big are these files, anyway? Could you, instead, have the users supply the information through a WYSIWYG widget (widgEdit, FCKEditor, etc.) that would do the mark-up itself?

Do you have shell access to the server? If so, can you see if any of these tools are already available.

Do the conversions need to be immediate? If not, you could write a handler to send them to you as they come in so you could convert them on your own machine. Not at all ideal, but ...

Any possibility to not accept Word files in the first place?


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