Vanessa Vega wrote:
Good day to all...

I would like to ask for some help..
I have a form created in javascript codes. The page is a pop up window.
I am passing the values of the form using the method "post". The PHP file that handles the form displays the values from that and had the following code in the beginning:



    //this class contains all functions for me to connect on the database

----------------rest of the code for displaying and saving values to an existing databse----------------------


when i clicked the submit button, nothing happens and the page wouldl just refresh... but when i removed the require_once code of my PHP, the values from the form is displayed but of course, will not be saved since the class isnt there.....

The file 'myclass.php' isn't in the same folder as your new script so php can't find it.

Using 'require' tells php to die if it can't find the file - which is what is happening.

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