what about hadding the search form elements to the results page and letting the 
users search right from there
bastien> To: php-general@lists.php.net> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Wed, 15 
Aug 2007 15:44:46 -0500> Subject: Re: [PHP] adding "Back to Search results" 
link> > Jim and Brad.> > Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking it was 
something simple like a back > button. But the problem that arises when I use 
this method is on Form 3.> > If I go through the steps, and make a change to an 
item on Form 3. Then use > the <a href="javascript:history.go(-2);">Return to 
search > results</a>.....everything works fine.> But if I dont make any changes 
to Form 3. then this takes me all the way > back to the search page.> > People 
in my group use this form to update database information for a number > of 
items. Once they make changes, they would like to go back to the search > 
results, instead of having to run the same search again and again.> > > > > 
"Jim Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > 
Derek Moon wrote:> >> I am trying to imporve a web application that my group 
uses.> >>> >> Basically there are 3 forms that work together Form 1 > form 2> 
>>> >> Form 1 - searchs for enterend values> >> Form 2 - returns search 
results, letting you individually select any item> >> Form 3 - lets you edit a 
specific individual item> >>> >> I want to make a link on the Form 3 that 
returns you to form Form 2> >> basically a "Back to Search results" link.> >>> 
>> I'm thinking that there is a way to pass the query string, but I am a > >> 
newbie and I'm not sure that I am going about this the right way.> >>> >> 
Anyone have any advice or knowledge to share?> >> > I would personally just use 
the back button. Isn't that what it is there > > for?> >> > But seriously, if 
you changed the method on Form 1 to use get instead of > > post, you could then 
just have a button that sends you back 1 in your > > history, or 2 in this 
case.> > ...> > ...> >> > Actually wait, it would be 3> >> > form 1 -> results 
-> edit -> save changes ->\> > \------------------------------/> >> > hope the 
format is correct on my ascii art :)> >> > nope, now that I read it again, it 
is only 2 back in the history> >> > So something like this for the back button> 
>> > <a href="javascript:history.go(-2);">Return to search results</a>> >> > 
That should do> >> > GUIDE LINES FOR USE OF METHOD in forms> > POST Only use 
post when you are submitting a form> > that will change the data that you are 
submitting> >> > GET Use this for forms that do not change get, but> > only 
retrieve data.> >> >> >> > -- > > Jim Lucas> >> > "Some men are born to 
greatness, some achieve greatness,> > and some have greatness thrust upon 
them."> >> > Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V> > by William Shakespeare > > -- > 
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