On 8/16/07, Jason Pruim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> Is it possible to have variables affect the database results of an
> included php page in a shtml page? Let me try and clear that up...
> index.shtml?order=a <---- that does not resort the database results
> index.php?order=a <----- That DOES resort the database results...

    To give a bit more information on the very extensions may help to
explain the problem, J.

    .php = PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (a recursive algorithm since PHP3)
    .shtml = SSI HTML (Server-Side Includes/HyperText Markup Language)

    SHTML is only used to include a file at the time the content is
being served by the host.  Conversely, PHP processes the .php script
at the time of request, but without any of the query string being

    Consider it as if the .shtml file is a browser on a remote
computer.  Whatever is inside the <!--#include virtual="(.*)"--> tag
will be processed exactly like that, but you can't pass any info to

    If that just confused you even more, blame it on my lack of coffee
this morning....

Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107

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