
I am integrating httpd-2.0.59 with php-5.2.1 and Sybase 12.5 on a
solaris 8 machine. I followed these steps:
Install apache:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-so
make install

PHP configuration:

I edited this file php-5.2.1/ext/sybase_ct/ php_sybase_ct.h and changed
this line:

./configure --with-apx2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
--with-sybase-ct=/opt/sybase/oc12.5-EBF11486/OCS-12_5/ --enable-bcmath
--enable-calendar --enable-ctype --enable-exif --enable-ftp
--enable-trans-sid --enable-shmop --enable-sockets --enable-sysvsem
--enable-sysvshm --enable-wddx
make install

then added these 2 lines in httpd.conf:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

When I access test.php, I am asked to download the file - meaning php is
not working well. I also don't see libphp5.so under modules/ directory.

test.php is locate under htdocs/ and has this content:


Could you please point to me why libphp5.so was not generated? Also why
php is not working well with apache and sybase? 
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