tedd wrote:
At 6:12 PM -0500 8/18/07, Jay Blanchard wrote:
I know this is kinda crazy but I need it :P
I have one table that lists name's
and I have another table that has the name's and points
I want to know how to list the name's of the first table by the points
of the second table

Not crazy, pretty standard from a database point of view;

SELECT a.name, b.points
FROM table a LEFT OUTER JOIN table b
ON(a.name = b.name)

This only works if the name in table a matches a name in table b.

Then why use a JOIN? It's my understanding that JOINs are used to included unmatched rows -- am I wrong?

Wouldn't this be simpler?

SELECT a.name, b.points
FROM table_name a, table_name_points b
WHERE a.name = b.name

Besides, all that JOIN stuff makes my head hurt.

Maybe so, but what you've done there is an implicit join. I'd recommend you learn as much as you can about join operations - they can make life a lot easier and more efficient.



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