What is the best practice for correctly targeting 'include' paths when using Initialization/Setup classes that extend Parent classes?

In my extend_parent_class.php file, I have to provide an incorrect relative path. Apparently, the path (that does work) is relative to php file that calls the initialization/setup class (call_the_extend_parent_class.php). Is there a less confusing way to correctly target include paths when creating initialization classes?

Should I be using absolute paths instead?

many thanks in advance


include_once('./path/to/parent_class.php'); # Works with 'incorrect' relative path //include_once('../path/to/parent_class.php'); # Fatal Error with 'correct' relative path

class Initialize_Parent_Class extends Parent_Class {

function Initialize_Parent_Class()
echo "This was successful and does not result in a fatal 'class not found' error";


Call the initialization class.

require('./includes/extend_parent_class.php'); # initialize Parent Class

$parent_class = new Initialize_Parent_Class();
// prints 'This was successful and does not result in a fatal 'class not found' error'


File structure:

++ includes directory
  ++++ extend_parent_class.php
++ classes directory
   ++++ parent_class.php

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