Chris wrote:
M. Sokolewicz wrote:
Chris wrote:
John Mendenhall wrote:
Is the only valid response to problems with php4 to
upgrade to php5?  Or, are there still some people
out there still using php4 and possibly have had
problems with install such as the following?

If php5 is the only answer, I guess we'll just have
to go with what we have and limp along until we can
get everything converted to work on php5.

I sent this to the php-install list.

Try the -internals list.

I don't think the php-internals folks would appreciate such emails. For problems with the install, first make sure it's not your fault (sounds stupid, but usually is), and if it's a bug, report it via the bugtracker. There is no need to bother the PHP developers with such things.

The compiler complaining about free'ing memory is something they should pay attention to as far as I'm concerned. *shrug*

Clearly I should've read the thread better, somehow I missed that entirely -.-
sorry bout that :)

anyway, first thing to do before posting is cutting down on your config options to the bare minimum to see if it's due to the core engine or some kind of extension, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

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