Instruct ICC wrote:
Why don't you and others just reply to the list? (I'm smiling when I say this.)

Because that means messing with the recipient list - that's donkey work your client should do, hence my use of reply-to-all.

Wow, that's for that egg-sucking lesson. I would think it was clear from my answer that I know what a socket is.
Sorry. You understood the concept but it wasn't clear to me that you understood about the socket. Save me a google search and define "egg-sucking", although I get your point.

To "teach someone how to suck eggs" means to explain something to them when they already know it.

That is pointless since most spam comments come from compromised machines, so you'd only succeed in pissing essentially innocent (albeit probably stupid) users.

Moreover that would definitely be illegal and you're more likely to be sued than the person behind the spam.
I'll try to remember that. However, the technical interest remains and may be handy for a known attacker server (meaning a known party that is not a compromised innocent). It sounds like I'm looking for a "Reflected attack".

That would still be illegal. Posting unsolicited commercial messages on a website is not technically illegal in most countries. Attacking a server with the express intention of preventing it from working correctly is in most countries. It's the technological equivalent of getting prosecuted for assault because you defended your property from a burglar.

Doesn't stop him/her being an idiot. Curious that you only value your job when payday is approaching.
Come on now. I meant that he pays me. I'm not trying to stop him on either count.

The point I was trying to make is that your first step should be to find out why he has that position, educate him as to the benefits of the CAPTCHA and the complications that any other approach might have.

They do seem to have the bbcode url style markup.  Thanks again.

You've got to bear in mind that they are trying to achieve something, and that something is usually to build traffic and/or inbound links to their sites. The only way they can do this is to include URLs in their posts.
Yes I was wondering, wtf is their objective?

To get traffic to their websites that make them money. Think drugs, stocks, dating, and anything else that might be lucrative.

The problem is that most of this activity is automated. It's the "if you throw enough shit at the wall some of it will stick" approach, and worryingly enough it works which is why they keep doing it.



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