On 27/08/07, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I use a slightly different approach to prevent the need to mess about
> with files when moving to production. At the end on config.php I have
> this...
> if (file_exists('config_dev.php'))
>      require 'config_dev.php';

I've got my own variation on this, came to use it to prevent overwriting
config files for stage/dev/live or other versions of a site. I've got a
general purpose constants file, which defines a lot of constants which are
generally used a lot in my applications (file rootdir, DAY, HOUR, database
passwords, some regexes, these things). Instead of just defining them there,
I define them using a simple conditional define function (if
(!defined($constantName) define($constantName, $value)). On top of my
constants.inc.php (as I chose to call it) I use the following:

if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
    $_config_file =

The included hostname specific config file would then define some constants,
and because they are already defined the default values from
constants.inc.php don't get set anymore.

Hope this is of help to anybody, it has certainly relaxed my deployment


In config_dev.php I override anything defined in config.php that needs
> to be different on the current server. The config_dev.php file is *not*
> in source control so it doesn't exist in production but each development
> and test environment has a version that modifies the production
> environment.
> There is a hit involved in the call to file_exists, but PHP caches it so
> the effect is minimal.
> -Stut
> --
> http://stut.net/
> --
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