On Mon, August 27, 2007 2:43 am, shiplu wrote:

> I have tried same file as cli and as webpage. I don't know why only
> cli version works nicely.  There may be some issue. But my technique
> has some advantages. It can run command asynchronously. Thats what i
> need for my application. I can create command queue. I and I can get
> the completion percentage from there.
> Whatever, I wish I could know those issues.
> Rather it could happen that, php-apache framework is doing something
> that I am unaware of.

You can sometimes tack " &" onto the end of an exec() argument and get
an asynchronous result.

But then you won't get the results of the command no way nohow.

I generally have found that if I really need async operations, it's
better to just write a script that does a few operations at a time,
and then call it repeatedly in cron.

Any sort of web-interface merely accepts input for a queue of things
"to do" by the cron job, and then provides a status board page and/or
automated email upon completion of whatever the user is waiting for.

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