On 8/28/07, Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you can use sockets in php, they work the same as berkley sockets
> you can use system() in php, to call your C++ program (the program
> could output html)
> in my opinon CGI with C/C++ is obsolete, use php/apache for best results!
> another nice way is to have your C++ program independent, outputs its
> results/values into a database (mysql)... and a php page will just
> read what's in the database to display it nicely.

That's what we do here. C/C++ app gathers and inserts the data into the db,
minute by minute, and PHP apps are used for display, reports, graphics,
etc... Our LAMP system has had nary a glitch in over 3 years of continuous

That would be a clean way of doing it.
> Good luck!


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