Ford, Mike wrote:
> On 28 August 2007 15:56, Stut wrote:
>> Jason Pruim wrote:
>>> One other question, to logout, can I just call a file that has
>>> session_destroy() and a header("Location: ???"); in it? Or should I
>>> do something else for logging out?
>> foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $key)
>>      unset($_SESSION[$key];
>> session_destroy();
>    $_SESSION = array();
>    session_destroy();
>    session_commit();
>    setcookie(session_name(), "",
>                                    ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime'),
>                                    ini_get('session.cookie_path'),
>                                    ini_get('session.cookie_domain'));

$_SESSION = array(); will usually suffice.

Richard Heyes
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