Dave Howard Schiff wrote:
Please someone remove me! I can't get out!

_______________________________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - Sempre a melhor opção para você! Experimente já e veja as novidades. http://br.yahoo.com/mailbeta/tudonovo/

dud, check out this link


check the archives for similar problems.

Most common:
        make sure you are using the correct email address to unsubscribe with.
        make sure that you didn't signup with a different email address and
                have it redirected to a different email address/account.
        make sure you are responding to and or confirming the request in the 
email account.

Last ditch effort, close this email account for about a week, once a few messages bounce, the system will send you a notice that it needs to confirm you are still there.

If that fails, or no response is received within a few days, the system will 
take your
email address out of the list.

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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