Jason Pruim wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Hi Dr Jason.

I think after I get this question answered, I can stop asking for awhile since my project will be done, at least until the users say "What happened to XYZ????" then I'll ask again :)

I asked on a MySQL list about "Resetting a auto increment filed" so that there arn't any gaps in the record number.

So to say it another way, I have a table that has 900 records in it, I've added 3 records, but then deleted 2 of those which puts the actual record count at 901 but my auto increment field starts at 904 on the next insert.

Is there away with PHP that I can pragmatically change that value to the total records in the database more so then a representation of the actual record number?

What are you actually trying to achieve? Why do you need all records to have a sequential number? Ignore how you're going to do it, just tell us why you think you need this, because I've never come across a reason to need this.



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