> i have a file $file that is full of usernames and descriptions, one per
> line. i have another variable $username that i would like to compare
> each line in the file and remove the line that matches the
> username field identically.
> $filename
> charles routers
> craig systems
> tony portmasters
> i would think that a while loop could do this and possibly write the
> output, minus the line i want to take away to a temp file and then copy it
> over. in bash i would use a statement like:
> while read i; do
>   < blah >
> done < $filename > $filename.tmp
> however i am not certain how to read in the contents of a file for
> comparison within a while loop. this is just going to be an uphill thread
> since my next question will be for the < blah > portion :)

Use fopen() to open the file, while ( ! feof( $fp ) ) to loop through the
file until the end of it is reached and fgets() to read one line at a time.
Use explode() to grab the first word on each line, compare it to your other
variable and write each line to a new variable if it doesn't match.  Then
use fwrite to write to a temporary file and copy that file over the

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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