Hi, at first, read that bug report : http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=42065

I would like to say that it doesn't seem to be fixed as it's said.
When I execute the bug 42065 test case, it still fails.

In reality, another code brought me to that bug, please consider this :

class a
    public $array = array('key'=>'2');

    public function getArray()
        return $this->array;

$a = new a;
$tab = $a->getArray();
$tab['key'] = 5;

Outputs :
a Object
    [array] => Array
            [key] => 2

    [key] => 5

No problem, that's expected.

Now consider that :

$a = new a;
$tab = new ArrayObject($a->getArray());
$tab['key'] = 5;

Outputs :
a Object
    [array] => Array
            [key] => 5

ArrayObject Object
    [key] => 5

So, the original array, inside the 'a' object has been modified, but it
souldn't have.
This behavior is like the one described in bug 42065
Plateform : Windows
PHP : latest 5.2 snapshot - Apache SAPI.

If you really want the original array not to be modified, you should act
like this :
$tab = new ArrayObject((array)$a->getArray());

Strange isn't it ?

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