Whenever the query has the NOT IN included in it, I get the following error:

Warning: mssql_query()
message: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'. (severity 15)

On 9/19/07, Jim Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Shirah wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am having a problem with trying to display a set amount of records
> from my
> > result.
> > I have verified that the correct values for my variables are being
> passed to
> > the query.
> > The calculation for the records that should be displayed per page is
> > correct.
> > The total number of records returned from my query is correct.
> > And the calculated number of total pages to be displayed is correct.
> >
> > So, initially it displays the first 10 results as it should, and has the
> > pages numbers at the bottom.  The problem is, when I click on a
> different
> > page number the same 10 results are ALWAYS displayed.  Even though my
> $page
> > variable IS being updated.
> >
> > Any ideas why my results are not reflecting the page I select?
> >
> I would do it like this
> This assumes that 'credit_card_id' is unique,
> if it is not, then don't worry about reading the rest
> <?php
> # Get page number if passed to script
> $page = intval( empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : $_GET['page'] );
> # Set number of rows to display from result set
> $max_results = 10;
> # Calculate the number of results that we have already looked at
> $page_results = intval(($page*$max_results)-$max_results);
> # Set your ORDER BY criteria.  This needs to be the same for each SQL
> statement
> # This is why I have setup a variable, so no mistakes will be made
> $order_by_criteria = 'credit_card_id';
> # Figure out which SQL statement we need to use
> if ( $page === 1 ) {
>        # Query for page 1
> $SQL = "SELECT  TOP {$max_results}
>                Value1, Value2
>        FROM    my_table
>        ORDER BY {$order_by_criteria}";
> } else {
>        # Query for page 2 and greater
> $SQL = "SELECT  TOP {$max_results}
>                Value1, Value2
>        FROM    my_table
>        WHERE   credit_card_id NOT IN (
>                        SELECT  TOP {$page_results}
>                                credit_card_id
>                        FROM    my_table
>                        WHERE   my_table.column = 'P'
>                        ORDER BY {$order_by_criteria}
>                ) AS newtbl
>        ORDER BY {$order_by_criteria}";
> }
> ... run your $SQL statement here and work with the results
> ?>
> --
> Jim Lucas
>    "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
>        and some have greatness thrust upon them."
> Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
>     by William Shakespeare

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