One trick that one of my friends has taught me is to only use double quotes "s where needed as they are parsed by PHP and instead use single quotes 's

$fred['john'] = 10;
is better than
$fred["john"] = 10;

echo 'This is some text' . "\n";
instead of
echo "This is some text\n";

He told me that everything within double quotes must be walked through by PHP looking for variables or other escaped characters. Since most code has these style statements every few lines the overall time saved adds up.

ashish.sharma wrote:
Hello All,

I am working on PHP from quite some time. I am pretty much comfortable in
writing PHP code but I always want that I should write good, quality code.
For this I always look for the best practices which other developers uses
and implement and I am writing this for the same reason as I would like to
know how can i code a good, optimized PHP code. What are the areas where I
can optimize my code more to avoid extra consumption of resources h/w or
s/w. What are the best practices I can follow to optimize my code to
increase the speed and performance of my application and to reduce down the
memory consumption. For example ..

In an application where I am having some different settings for each of the
user/visitor, then what will be the best approach of doing this? Should I
keep all the settings in sessions or should i create an xml/ini file for
each user and call that in the bootstrap file (at runtime, on the basis of
the the User) to pick the settings of that user.

These are the kind of questions for which I always have to think. So, can
anyone suggest me some source / article / reference from where I can find
the solutions of such of my problems.

Looking forward for your suggestions ..

Thx to all ..


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