Hi I have a socket connection like so..
$sourceip = ''; // ip you want to bind to
$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
socket_bind($sock, $sourceip);
socket_connect($sock, 'dac.nic.uk', 2043);
if ($socket === false) {
$errorcode = socket_last_error();
$errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode);
die("Couldn't create socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg");
But if the socket connection gets broken it creates an error msg
Warning: socket_write(): unable to write to socket [32]: Broken pipe in
Warning: socket_write(): unable to write to socket [32]: Broken pipe in
Warning: socket_write(): unable to write to socket [32]: Broken pipe in
That spills out for thousands and thousands of lines.
What would I need for the script to die if the connection gets broken.
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