Hi Alberto,

Try using the php5isapi.dll instead of CGI.  Make sure you have an entry for 
PHP5 in your Web Service Extensions list, and that it is marked as Allowed.  
Also, open the properties of your Web Sites folder in IIS Manager, go to the 
Home Directory Tab, click Configuration, and make sure the php5isapi.dll is 
mapped to the .php extension.

Carlton Whitehead

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alberto García Gómez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2007 9:57:42 AM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
Subject: [PHP] PHP5 under IIS6

Hi fellows:

I'm trying to mount PHP5 ( the last stable version from php.net) under a 
IIS6 (win2k3 SP2), and when I run the .msi and it finish it said that is not 
possible the configure httpd.conf, which is a very big mistake 'cause I'm 
specify that I use IIS6.

After that I try making a manual configuration and I recive a CGI error.

I need help ASAP. 

Este correo ha sido enviado desde el Politécnico de Informática "Carlos Marx" 
de Matanzas.
"La gran batalla se librará en el campo de las ideas"

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