> > > When I run the command on the server itself, it
> > > works just fine. When I run the same command via a webpage, the text file
> > > does not generate.
> >
> >
> > I also have a similar problem but reversed.  It works in a webpage but not 
> > on the command line.
> > mysql_connect, mssql_connect, and a non-db function.
> > A command line script calling file() to call the web page works however.
> > And it just stopped working about 2 months ago (from the command line).
> one word: permissions
> also perhaps the php.ini settings are different for either one, and
> there's a different ini file for shell vs. web.

Even though the build date was before the time the problem started, I 
scrutinized both the phpinfo's which pointed to the same php.ini, but I noticed 
that the ./configure switches did not match up and finally the admin admitted 
that his yum update must have overwritten the formerly manually compiled 

My issue is resolved.  Sorry for the partial hijacking of this thread but as 
you can see, it can be beneficial.

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