On  23. Oct 2007, at 21:07, Colin Guthrie wrote:

No, I reckon Jul 5th could be about right.... when was .45 released? I
had it in my head it was august but Jul doesn't seem too far before that
so entirely possible.

Ah sorry, I was thinking about source installs. RPMs keep the original creation date I guess. Not overly used to that.

Use rpm -qf <filename> to see which package owns which files.

Probing two random files in include/mysql and and lib/mysql show they belong to MySQL-devel-community-5.0.45-0.rhel3.

you can also use rpm -V <pck> to verify that the package has not be
modified on disk.

$ rpm -V MySQL-devel-community-5.0.45-0.rhel3
missing  d /usr/share/man/man1/comp_err.1.gz
missing  d /usr/share/man/man1/mysql_config.1.gz

I suppose this is, albeit not ideal, tolerable?

Does PHP 4 perhaps come with it's own mysql library in the source?
Perhaps you have to pass an argument?

Yes, as of PHP4 the --with-mysql is on by default. I tried specifying --with-mysql-dir=/usr and also shared,/usr, but to no avail.


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