At 3:13 PM +0200 10/25/07, Zoltán Németh wrote:
2007. 10. 25, csütörtök keltezéssel 09.01-kor Jason Pruim ezt írta:
 > That's actually where I got the idea, just couldn't remember who on
 what list said they did it :) using variables in css is it as easy as
 just putting in a quick <?PHP echo "background: $date"; ?> in the
 css? or is it more complicated?

you have to configure apache to handle css files as php files.
also you have to send headers including content-type set to text/css

and then you can script your css

Zoltán Németh

That's one way.

Here's another:

As Zoltán suggested, but didn't elaborate, you can drop a .htaccess file into your root directory that contains:

<FilesMatch "\.(css|style)$">
 SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

and then use <?php whatever you want ?> inside the css file.

This makes things easier when trying to change constants like colors, or dealing with the box-model problem, or rules that are dependant upon other rules; or really neat automatic image width/height determinations for images on the fly (think about that). :-)

There are a lot of opportunities to add functionality to css that apparently has not been addressed in any documentation I've been able to find. I can't be the first down this street, but for certain it hasn't been traveled often.




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