Hello all,

function convert( $latitude, $longitude ) {

$mve_latitude = $latitude; // actually other processing within this function 
determines this
$mve_longitude = $longitude // actually other processing within this function 
determines this
$mve_both = $mve_latitude . ", " . $mve_longitude;
// prepare return values
$mve_array[0] = $mve_latitude;
$mve_array[1] = $mve_longitude;
$mve_array[2] = $mve_both;

return $mve_array;
} // function

$latitude = 23.263400;
$longitude = 80.110030
convert( $latitude, $longitude );

print_r( $mve_array );

.. the above does not return a value in the array. What do I have to change to 
receive an array with global scope from this function? I read several pages of 
docs on php.net but the light didn't go on...


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