On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 16:12:25 +0200, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> T.Lensselink wrote:
>> On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 14:32:42 +0200, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Paul Scott wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 12:52 +0200, Jochem Maas wrote:
>>>>> since when is there an arbitrary maximum recursion limit???
>>>> Since forever... ;)
>>> thats you think, personally I test this kind of thing when Im
>>> not sure:
> php -r 'function foo() { static $x = 1; echo "foo ", $x++, "\n"; foo(); }
> foo();'
> ...
>> Running your code shows that there is a limit. Although it doesn't throw
> an
>> error.
>> It just stops after n recursive calls:
>> php4 recursive calls:   796
>> php5 recursive calls: 49841
>> php6 recursive calls:  6007
> A. this is not the output of the script

That's true. i never said it was... or did i?

> B. do you think these numbers are the same for everyone?
> heck they're not even garanteed to be the same between 2 runs
> on the same machine with the same php binary.

No i don't think it will be the same on all systems. I also didn't say
You make to much assumptions.

> C. it doesn't just stop, a segmentation fault occurs.

No it doesn't segfault. Well atleast it doesn't here. 
error_reporting on. Xdebug enabled... No segfaults.. It just stops after
(n) recursions.

> e.g.:
> last 2 lines of output for 4.3.10-19:
>       foo 11137
>       foo Segmentatie fout
> last 2 lines of output for 4.3.10-19:
>       foo 11147
>       foo Segmentatie fout
> last 2 lines of output for 5.1.1:
>       foo 37435
>       foo Segmentation fault
> last 2 lines of output for 5.1.1:
>       foo 37436
>       foo Segmentation fault
> last 2 lines of output for 5.1.2:
>       foo 30795
>       foo Segmentatie fout
> last 2 lines of output for 5.1.2:
>       foo 30787
>       foo Segmentatie fout
> Therfore there is NO recursion limit in php (not withstanding a specific
> limit
> in functions belonging to an XML extention). the percieved limit is php
> running
> out of memory ... as long as there is memory php will continue to

I didn't say there is a recursion limit. I just confirmed the output of
running your "test" script.

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