On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 16:20 +0200, Steven Macintyre wrote:
> > Your subject line says "while-do" + array, following code contains
> > a
> > "do-while" loop. 
> Apologies :)
> > We can't debug the script very well without a
> > sample
> > input since we don't know how many times the loop "should" run. To
> > debug
> > yourself, try using print_r() to see exactly what the following
> > line of
> > code produces:
> > 
> >     $options = explode(",", $armbase);
> > 
> Array ( [0] => 4200_side_frame.jpg [1] => 4220_integral_frame.jpg [2] =>
> flamingo_pu_armrest.jpg [3] => flexible_pu_armrest.jpg [4] =>
> futura_standard_sleigh_base.jpg [5] => futura_universal_sleigh_base.jpg )
> That's the output ... so the array is definitely ok ... 

Yeah the last comment in my response detailsed your problem. Namely that
list() has no return value so the loop ends when it's return value is
checked since null juggles to false in boolean context.

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